What's the best 7" & 8" woofers available?

I'm thinking of trying the DIY route for a pair of full-range speakers. In your opinion, what is the BEST 7" AND 8" woofer available and the best place to buy it?
Thanks all for the tweeter & mid-range comments.
Thanks and happy listening!

There are currently 8 select audiophiles who are involved in building the latest dual mono version of the pre-amp that I mentioned. It will have DACT controllers, Jensen caps, the works. The cost will come in at around $1000 and the wait is 4-6 months. If you are interested in getting one, you'll have to be willing to annie up the money without hearing it first. Let me know if you are interested, becuase after all the parts, chassis, etc.. are ordered, that will be it for this small build.

I will be selling my little pre-amp for around $600 after this deluxe version is finished, so there is another option for you too. It will be sold with a guarantee that it will sonically crush any other pre-amp under $3000, and hold it's own against ANY pre-amp period in terms of detail retrieval and harmonic preservation. There will be no guarantees on the amount of bass, or treble sweetness though, because these things can be colorations of certain circuits and tubes. I also think that the $8500.00 Blowtorch pre-amp may have a little better bass preservation than my little pre-amp (based on my study of it's design). We are talking about a $7900 difference in price though!
No BS, The ScanSpeak 18W/8545 for a low crossover point or the "k" verson on a 2 way system. If you design a top notch box and use a 2nd order config on these woofers they truely are the best. The only woofer I have ever heard that dosn't bake all bass sound the same. They have to be backed though by good chokes and hoveland, rel, or at the minimum, solen caps though.
Mike do you think the Scanspeak W18 will challenge the bass produced by a Seas W22? I just got my Seas W22 in. They seem to be super high tech. The midrange of this solid copper phase plug driver is supposed to be outstanding.

I've been looking at the Vienna Acoustics Mahlers, which use 10'' Eton bass drivers, and a 1.2'' ScanSpeak tweeter. I can't remember who makes the midrange drivers. Haven't had a chance to audition a pair, but I was just curious to hear your opinion since you know your drivers and I saw your comments on the Etons.

Also, do you know what kind of drivers Audio Physic uses?

Thanks in advance
Well, I think The Scanspeak may do a little more in the extreme low end (Sub 30Hz), But that Seas is an absoultely sick driver all around. It can do midrange better than about 99% of all woofers out there, I have heard a 5 and 1/4 seas bass driver with a copper phaseplug/magnet. But like the scanspeak....It needs the good stuff behind it. (Scratches head)I didn't even think of the seas.....