VISATON's MONITOR 890 MK11:world's "best" monitor?

i've been surfing the web and came across a very interesting web page..has the VISATON's line of drivers and speakers..check out the 890 MK11..has dual 12 inch woofers 28 - 2000 hz + a horn called DR 45 500-12000hz + TL 16H titanium "horn" tweeter.. if you are about to spend $$$.$! on a speaker may want to take a close look at these winners
Doesn't this seem remarkably similar to the way the HMS cables thread got started recently? But I suppose if this were really a shill, Tweekerman would have included the URL. Or would have heard the speakers - Tweek, how do you know these are "winners"? They are interesting though, and there's a ton of other stuff on the site. For the curious who, like me, never heard of the brand before, here is a web address to save you from the searching I just did:

Click on 3-way speakers to find the model Tweek likes.
Zaikesman, as everyone on the gon knows i'm picky as hell when it comes to audio a cook/chef/food critic i try to zone in my senses to find whats "best"..just reading the drivers description and having a good "hunch"..i'm very confident these speakers will battle out any speaker at their price level..and above..look at the quality of the drivers!!!!..if you can't see the superiority in these drivers! Show me a commercial speaker web page that shows me drivers of at least equal quality..just one..commercials never tell you the drivers can someone translate what the euro price is to dollars..i think its 1 euro = $1.50..and then find me a speaker to compete with this monster!!..yes you need one heck of a amp..but thats the owners problem not mine..cause i'll never own them..i'm for tubes...i did say "best" not THE best
Tweek, I guess no one else is coming to this dinner, but tell me: When you write about food, have you actually eaten it, or just eyeballed a picture of it on a computer screen?