VISATON's MONITOR 890 MK11:world's "best" monitor?

i've been surfing the web and came across a very interesting web page..has the VISATON's line of drivers and speakers..check out the 890 MK11..has dual 12 inch woofers 28 - 2000 hz + a horn called DR 45 500-12000hz + TL 16H titanium "horn" tweeter.. if you are about to spend $$$.$! on a speaker may want to take a close look at these winners
Tweek, I guess no one else is coming to this dinner, but tell me: When you write about food, have you actually eaten it, or just eyeballed a picture of it on a computer screen?
yea your point is valid..but i guess what i really want to say and if you are honest would agree..that there are many commercial labs making very expensive and UGLY looking speakers that just don't cut it..that speaker is way too much sound for me but name me one speaker in america that offers dual 10 inch woofers nice looking horn and nice looking "horn" tweet?'s an alternative..but it'll never make it over here i'm sure..i would love to put the 890 MK11 up against the Sound Labs
Ouch, Zaikesman! :)

I'm a graduate of the CIA (the one in Hyde Park, not the one in McClean) and lemme tell ya, presentation AIN'T everything.

will (bishop, psychotherapist, gourmand, musician, and audiophile-who-doesn't-take-himself-too-seriously)
Bishop are you trying to say from looking at a speaker you can't tell if it will be a good or bad sound?..well i can..yep sure can..and this 890 will blow away most all the commercials that i've come across. It's said you can't say if a book is good or bad by it's cover. When it comes to speakers i can. IF a cabinet contains certain superior drivers and has good xover by a CAPABLE me it will sound good. I'm not refering to this speaker in particular. Power supply and digital sources are light years ahead of speaker tech. But they are on the way. That's the next horizon in audioworld. The new frontier. Any company that advertises its product i do not buy. You go figure.
Yep, "go figure", that's about all I can make of this, Tweek. TEHO. Bishopwill, my girlfriend's best girlfriend recently got remarried to a guy named Bishop, and had her first child - a boy they named Wil (one "l"). I'll let you know when he starts cooking, playing, or psychoanalyzing. (At a year and a half he does have one heck of a Brian Jones blond bowl-cut, though.) Let me know when you're in DC, you can cook us dinner (and we can email Tweek the pictures)!