Which speaker for "bright" room? Brand A, B orC?

The acoustic properties of a given room considerably impact a speaker’s performance. In your opinion, what is the BEST speaker ($4,000-$8,000) for an AWFULLY bright room? (Two channel audio)
I guess what it sounds like you're looking for is a speaker with a rolled off high end. Nowadays, even modestly-priced speakers have pretty decent high ends, and I don't know of any audiophile speakers that are really rolled off (almost by definition).

In addition to causing too much high frequency energy, a "BRIGHT" room can result in a high ratio of reflected to direct sound, and this can hurt your imaging and sound staging, as well as sound tizzy. I would recommend you consider damping the room down until it isn't really bright, then getting a good audiophile speaker whose sound you like. If necessary, you could add a room equalizer to smooth out the response. I know this sounds like you're taking away just to add back, but I really think this is the right approach.

Trying to buy a crummy speaker that will just exactly compensate for unquantified, unmeasured, bad room acoustics is probably not the way to go.
I'd say get the best speaker, and then acoustically treat the room-the high freq. are easy to deal with. Just don't get any omnidirectional thingies.
Fix the room as best possible and THEN look for speakers. Anything else would be like trying to plug a gaping wound with sand. Sure, the sand will stop the bleeding due to clotting, but you've got one helluva infection to deal with not too far down the road. Sean