Are there any absolute truths???

Whenever I ask an audio question it seems the answer always starts out with " depends". So I'm wondering if there are any audiophile "absolute truths" that we all can file away as great advice and use confidently over and over again. Just to get it started, I'll offer up the following and see how long they hold up before they get shot down.

Audiophile Absolute Truths:

#1. The quality of the stereo system is what the owner says it is, not someone else.

#2. System synergy is more important than anything else.

Both humorous and serious replies are welcome.
Wisdom in detlof's words. Thanks. Another truth -

Support your local symphony or opera company. Get a perspective on live music.
Buy what you like. Don't worry about whether anyone else agrees with your opinion of your gear.
It's easier, cheaper and more time efficient to consider yourself a music lover instead of an audiophile.

Stay behind the technology curve and buy used to save lots of $$$.

Audio mags can be enjoyable to read, but if you ever find yourself taking them seriously, stop reading them.

Lasagna is better than turkey, but only with the perspective of taste. In terms of a healthy diet, turkey is much better. I don't see how ANYBODY could claim that lasagna is better than turkey is an absolute truth. Geesh!
Truth one:
The possibility something in your system will break is directly proportional to the length of time before the visitor arrives, their importance, and the distance they traveled.

Truth two:
If the system does not break, your library of 6000 LP's does NOT contain the music requested by your guest.

Truth three:
If the system does not break and you have the visitors favorite music, the lights will go off in spite of clear blue skies and no bad weather in a 300 mile radius.

Truth four:
If none of the above occur, the guest will be in a chatty mood, speaking over the music with topics of furniture refinishing or how bad the roads are near his home.

Truth five:
If you have never suffered any of these, you are not a audiophile.