Want speakers for 700 but none sound good.

Hello all,

I apologize for asking a question which might have been asked many times before, but I have a small problem at hand. I need speakers around <$700 and I have auditioned quite a few incl B&W 602.5 S3, Triangle Titus 202, JBL S38II, Paradigm Studio 20 v2 etc. These are all good speakers I am sure but somehow don't do it for me. I am probably like the other guy who said he had 'audiophile tastes but a poor man's budget' or something.

The speakers above were auditioned at home. I have a NAD c350 amp, Cambridge audio CD player with Straightwire Maestro interconnects and apature speaker cables. The (small) listening room measures about 10'x12'x8' (LxWxH) w/ hardwood floors (I know bad!). The speakers are going to be replacing the excellent Boston Acoustics A70 speakers from the late 80s. Very very good for it's time but, sadly, dead with torn woofers and distorting tweeters. I may not get good replacements knowing the only mid-fi quality of current BA drivers (some may beg to differ).

Sorry for the longish post but I need help getting room filling sound with tight bass and good detail/imaging from speakers that you recommend. Not much concerned with playing too loud. New age electronic/ acoustic and some rock music.

Thanks a lot!
I ask you: what kind of music do you like to listen to most often?
Part of home theatre, or dedicated music room?
How important is bass?

For all around speakers in this range BTW, I second the suggestion of a pair of small REGAS. They really impressed me. (they even have bass)
New Age electronic and other acoustic music. Some rock as well ocassionally.

What is the name of the Rega speaker that you and other people have mentioned?
I would add my vote for Epos, Rega and Spica TC50/60. Of these I think the Spicas are by far the best, but perhaps not for loud rock. Their strengths are imaging and detail, but not SPLs.
right at the top of your budget. You might be able to get some other used or demo models in your price range but I would still try & audition them.