Looking for speaker to match with pass lab aleph3

I presently own the pass lab aleph 3 bought them recently after reading Stereophile's review. Its a wonderful amp but it don't have enough power to drive my current speaker (Sonus Faber Concertino). I'm looking for a similar sound, listen to mostly vocal jazz. I'm now particularly interested In B&W Nautilus 805 (88dB/W/m) and Zingali Overture 1Bs (89dB/W/m) or perhaps any other models that are better match, that you would recommend. I would greatly appreciate responses from people especially from those who may have heard them first hand or someone with an experienced opinion.

Thanks in advance for responding,
Quads (57 and 63 variants) work well with the Pass Aleph 3 and 5, in my experience.
I also have an Aleph 3 which I beleve to be a superb amp especially for Jazz. I am using them with ProAc 2.5s with excellent results. My room is about 12 x 15 and play them at reasonable levels. I also have a pair of 1sc and they also work extremely well with the Aleph 3. Remember this amp does need about 45 minutes to fully warm up and sound its best.
Check out Silverline speakers. I am using the Aleph 3 with a pair of Sonatina I's with great results. Make sure you invest in a good after market power cord, like NBS. Gjrad is correct, 45 min. to an hour warm up for the best results.
I used the Aleph 3 with B&W CM-2 and the sound was superb though a little lacking in bass. However, upon switching to the 805Nautilus the missing bass re-emerged indicating that the culprit was NOT the Aleph 3. I also used a Krell KSA-150 and though the bass was better I ultimately preferred the sound of the Aleph 3 to the KSA150. In my opinion the Aleph 3 is outstanding value for money and for sheer musicality is very hard to beat. Given its used price of about 1000-1100 no other amp comes close to its performance (with the right speakers). Thats my 2cents.