Recommend speakers

Looking for speakers within my $700 to $1000 budget.I listen to old pop/rock and alt-country Steve Earl, Emmylou Harris and Buddy Miller. My room size 20 ft long x 15ft wide. My system : Odyssey stratos amp
Cambridge C500 preamp
Cambridge 500se cd player
Sonic Horizon Daybreak powercords
Pure Silver cable
Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker cable
I want a good midrange [who dos'nt] w/ clean crisp sound and dynamics. Is this asking for to much within my budget?
In your budget range, you should definitely consider the Vandersteen 2Ce. It is a nearly full-range speaker with excellent mid-range and excellent low-frequency reproduction. It should also match nicely with the equipment you already own.
You may want to give the Axiom speakers a try( I think). Said to have very good midrange and detailed but not overly bright highs, and something like their M60? floorstanders should yield decent dynamics while still meeting your price target. See reviews on Soundstage, etc.

If you're open to monitors the Soliloquy 5.0 yields respectable dynamics for a stand mounted speaker, has a very smooth and full midrange, detailed and airy yet refined highs, and will throw off a huge 3D soundstage while completely disappearing in the room. If you've got a dealer nearby they're worth a listen and they look fantastic too. Should work great with the Stratos too. See Best of luck.
