Recommend speakers

Looking for speakers within my $700 to $1000 budget.I listen to old pop/rock and alt-country Steve Earl, Emmylou Harris and Buddy Miller. My room size 20 ft long x 15ft wide. My system : Odyssey stratos amp
Cambridge C500 preamp
Cambridge 500se cd player
Sonic Horizon Daybreak powercords
Pure Silver cable
Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker cable
I want a good midrange [who dos'nt] w/ clean crisp sound and dynamics. Is this asking for to much within my budget?
I just picked up a pair of Triangle Titus speakers for a graduation present for my brother. While the Titus speakers are small monitors below your price range ($500), they also do some others closer to your range--e.g., the $1200 Zerius. I was pretty amazed at the sound, very fast, very transparent, and very musical. You might want to get an audition of those. Requisite disclosure, I'm *not* a dealer. To the extent my own speakers bias/calibrate my taste, I own ProAc RS2s for my home office and Martin Logan Prodigy speakers in my main setup. I'll recommend the speakers I've heard from both those companies as well, but I thought the Triangles offered considerable bang for the buck.
Thanks for the replys. I will give recommended speakers above a look at. Some e-mailers recommended Monitor Audio Silver 5i [$600 used] and Wharfedale 8.3[$500 new] also NHT[$800 new] any thoughts?
I think I saw a used pair of Epos ES14s on Agon. These are great standmount speakers ... good imaging, dynamics and very good bass for a standmount.