Balance control vs. Speaker placement

For whatever reason, my system always slightly favors the left, my guess would be the furniture on the left vs. nothing on the right. I have used several amps and speakers and the left is always slightly favored.

I have a test CD that exposes this in greater detail. On this CD they suggest that you either move a speaker forward or back to compensate instead of adjusting the balance control. Any thoughts as why this is prefered? It sure is easier to dial it in with the balance control.
Another thing that will cause that is an unsemetrical room or a room with an opening on the side to another room. I cant give you the technical reasons but I have found trying to make this adjustment through the balance controls just doesnt sound as good as speaker adjustment. Yes it is much easier but the speakers just dont seem to blend right or as well.
Brian have you swapped around your source component interconnects so as to reverese Left & Right channels at various points along the signal path? You might have a marginal connection or cable, or even a component that's not within balance.
Hi Bob, I have noticed this for years in my system with numerous componants and they have been hooked and unhooked, I am sure it's the furniture that causes this.