Stones on SACD - Tempting?

With the announcement of a large number of Rolling Stones reissues on hybrid-SACD, done by a well respected recording engineer, is SACD-capability in your system more likely? There's no question in my mind that this is the right type of thing to energize the market for SACD, though for me personally this announcement won't push me over the edge. If this happened for, say, three of my favorite longtime bands, coupled with a half dozen new releases I was interested in being released in hybrid-SACD format as one of their initially released formats, I would get SACD capability for my system in some form.

Even if it doesn't prompt me to buy SACD capability immediately, it's nice to know I can purchase the hybrid discs and use them until I get SACD capabilty. So, they might not sell me a player yet, but they'll probably sell me a couple more discs than I would have bought. -Kirk
I don't count myself as a RS fan, but I originally bought 3 remasters. While playing Begger's Banquet in my car (CD layer), I could tell that these were special. I stopped at another store and bought a 4th remaster that day even before I listened to the SACD layer.

I now have 5 discs and plan to buy 4-5 more. They aren't perfect, but they are such an improvement over the previous releases. I've been listening to Stones for two weeks now--in my SACD based HT system, my car, and on my computer.

These discs clearly demonstrate that the CD layer on a SACD disc is superior to a normal CD.
I can speak to the fact that the regular cd layer on these cd/sacd releases are excellent recordings. I have 7 of the releases.
I've purchased a number of the new Stones hybrid /SACD/CD remasters. I have an SACD player on the way, but am listening to them right now on a decent, but not particularly high end, Redbook CD setup (Teac VRDS 20, Monarchy 33 DAC/preamp).

Evenings and weekends, I work as a translator from home, and I usually have music playing. Sometimes I consciously listen to the music, but it doesn't interrupt the flow of work.

Yesterday, listening to the remastered Let It Bleed, and tonight, listening to the remastered Beggars Banquet, I was literally dancing in my seat. The regular CD layer is superb. Everything is both more detailed and warmer, if that's possible. Incredible dynamics. I couldn't stop listening to it. Forgot about my work for more than half an hour.

There is really gold in those old master tapes and it seems to me that DSD got the silver, the gold and the diamonds from the mine!

Can't wait to hear it on the SACD player!

And I'm definitely ordering more of my favorite Stones albums. And I'll be looking out in general for hybrid SACD/CD discs. That's the only way for SACD to really expand.

And Towers is selling the Stones remasters for $15.00 each.

Happy listening all!

Dr Joe, what kind of SACD player are you getting, I am considering one myself.
I've seen the Stones new masterings in several places, but I can't find any mention of them being SACD. Anybody know if there are "regular" CD versions of these, or are they all SACD / hybrids but just don't say so? Thanks.