Bose makes more than speakers...

I got a newspaper clipping which says that Bose makes more than speakers. They included a list (I don't know if it's everything Bose makes). I thought it was interesting, so I decided that I'd post it.

1. Military jet alternators
2. Nuclear generator control systems.
3. Space shuttle's audio system.
4. Noise-reducing crewman helmet for tank drivers.

They have also experimented with cold fusion.
My posting seems to have generated some...unhappy comments. I presented this clipping less for the hi-fi value and more for general education and entertainment.

I hasten to say that I do not like Bose, myself. In fact, I'd buy a product from Bose shortly after adapting 8 Track as my primary format. I probably should have mentioned this in the original post--but I decided that I wanted to avoid any Bose bashing, since it is too easy. (Which meant leaving out the comment that if a nuclear plant with Bose controls melts down, it will do so with strong bass power.)

However, for some strange reason, I found that clipping interesting, although I can't really say why. One thought is that given that they are making what I imagine to complicated products, I have to wonder _why_ they aren't making better speakers. (In design, listening is critical--but so is engineering.) The why they aren't might have to do with lack of interest, I guess.

As for this post not being right for a hi-fi site, so are many other postings, such as "Best Beer" and "What Type of Car Do You Drive?" And, it may be worth paying a _little_ attention to Bose, simply because it is what most people consider quality audio.
Jc, i think that all of those comments were made in jest. Personally, i did not know that Bose was involved in those other areas. As such, it was enlightening to find that out. Sean
Jc- Like sean said we are screwballs here, and nothing goes with out a laugh or an attempt at a laugh. Anything that involves bose is going to spawn countless jokes, just get used to it and enjoy, its ment to be fun :)
I know that Bose jokes a dime a dozen--I've made my fair share, and I liked some of the jokes above. I just wanted to clarify myself, so that people wouldn't consider me a total idiot. (I may be a bit sensitive, since I usually end up buying equipment that isn't fashionable....)
Somewhat off topic, but I'm just curious. Do the owner/drivers of those $60,000+ German driving machines look down upon U.S. domestic cars with the same sneering intensity as audiophiles look down upon Bose products?