Worldcat: You heard Studio's on Classe amplification, yet you own Theta equipment. Whats the point of the audition if your not doing direct AB comparisons with your OWN equipment? Kind of useless if you ask me. Most quality retailers will let you take the products home to do auditions on your own equipment in your OWN room for a true evaluation of what the sound entails. Doing an audition at a dealership in their setup is such a waste and is completely useless to the consumer(exept maybe aesthetics)Especially using foreign equipment on the rest of the audio chain.
Where did you hear them? How were they set up? Were levels set properly to do a proper comparison.After you answer these questions, realize they are still pointless to some degree. Room boundaries(size etc) alone can greatly alter sound quality.If you didnt do the audition in your home, then you really didnt audition them to begin with. You sure you didnt let the salesman talk you into what "sounded" best? Cardas,Aerial and Theta products(which I see you own)have rediculous markup, higher than most. I used to love selling Aerial speakers(and Wilson Audio)with their 60 point hike.
Where did you hear them? How were they set up? Were levels set properly to do a proper comparison.After you answer these questions, realize they are still pointless to some degree. Room boundaries(size etc) alone can greatly alter sound quality.If you didnt do the audition in your home, then you really didnt audition them to begin with. You sure you didnt let the salesman talk you into what "sounded" best? Cardas,Aerial and Theta products(which I see you own)have rediculous markup, higher than most. I used to love selling Aerial speakers(and Wilson Audio)with their 60 point hike.