What's most important to WAF-size, shape, finish?

What do you think is most important (regarding loudspeakers) :-)
for the wives/significant-others WAF=wife acceptance factor?
Size, shape, texture, finish, color, sound quality,etc. in order of importance? What do you think or what has been your actual experiences? Your comments regarding 2-channel AND home theatre are appreciated.
Thanks and happy listening!
Why don't you ask your wife and/or significant other?
Size shape and color have nothing to do with good sound,Don't worry about WAF do the right thing.
Take her with you to audition equipment. If you let her have input into the decision she will then have a vested interest in your hobby. But what do I know, I'm divorced and If I look at all the alimony I've paid it would buy a phenominal system. Best of luck.
Well I don't have a WAF, but my GAF(Girlfriend Acceptance factor in the past) they always seemed to be most impressed by size ;) all real classy girls, take my word for it :) ~Tim