I have Paradigm Studio 100 and I want to use a subwoofer with them..I use my system only for would you suggest using a subwoofer for only music with my Paradigms??I need help....
Go to Look up the sub named RAVA. Do a search on for the RAVA sub as well as Become impressed. Become excited. Purchase the sub. If you don't like it you can return it within 30 days (check that out for sure). It has received rave reviews across the net and the owner and creator Dan Wiggins is highly respected in the subwoofer and speaker circles.

Good Luck.
The Servo 15 is in another league compared to the REL or Vandersteen...the minor league. Don't fall into the trap of matching the aesethics or names of the product line.

Sorry if my comment is blunt...

Aram....with the bass response of your Studio 100's, unless you listen to quite a bit of organ music or something along those lines, your mains already have PLENTY adequate bass response for vitrtually ALL types of music. Possibly you may want to think about upgrading you amplifier to a unit more inclined towards a solid bass region instead of a subwoofer. Just a thought. Sometimes adding a subwoofer can be a nightmare instead of a dream come true.
Check out . They make great sounding subs for music. I am getting one in the next few weeks. This sub not only sounds better than a Rel, it looks better, too. I would highly recommend this sub.