Audes' "Blue" Speaker: 2000 Marvel?

Anyone audition or own the Audes "Blue" speaker?? It has gotten a good review in Stereotimes( May Issue).Speakers are made in Estonia, and the company now seems to have reliable distribution in the USA. This model could complete with Gershman's Cameleon speaker which has also gotten good reviews. All comments welcomed
FOLLOW-UP TO MY ORIGINAL POST. I want to thank all members who have responded so far, especially since I posted this question back in June. I currently have some respectable but "dated" high end pieces:Aragon 4004 amp Conrad Johnson PV-8 and a Sonographe SC-1 player.VPI T/T with Audioquest and BluePoint Special. I like Analysis Plus Oval 9 and have read many endorsements of its virtues. I don't know if these pieces will match up with the Audes Blues; and so I must disagree somewhat with the last comments from Symphony Sound. It sounds like the Blues are finicky about electronics. Yes, I know most speakers have some compatibility foible. Nevertheless, I don't have the time or money to play the "Match The Component" game; though, I anticipate my present amp and CD player will be replaced in the next two years. ********** I got no response to my last question about how the Gershman Acoustics "Cameleon" speaker($1800 at current retail) may stack up against the Blues. Hands down the Blues are better finished and more attractive, but from what I can piece together from bits of news and comments on this website since CES 2002, the Cameleons are an outstanding value.They grabbed almost everyone's attention at CES. They also appear to be less particular about upstream gear. For me, who has unfortunately become an "ocassional listener", I need to buy the best and most musical speaker for my "use" quotient and drive them to peak performance with the high end pieces I currently own and may eventually upgrade to....I wish I had the dough to buy either the Revel Studios or the Audio Physic Avanti III, or Verity's Fidelio(used, of course)I have heard all three and they are outstanding speakers, and I'm sure will destroy on any day of the week the Blues or Cameleons. Such is life!! Any additional comments are welcome. Regards, Sunnyjim
These are really great speakers. I am in agreement with all the positive comments on these. I absolutely do not think they sound bright. To my ears they are some of the most neutral speakers I've heard, quite smooth actually. They don't have romantic bloom, but very nice tonal characteristics. I would say one of clear strenghts of these speakers is timbral accuracy. Acoustic instruments sound right through these. Really good with kick and snare, also cello. Not bad with piano, which a lot of far more expensive speakers do not do well. Nice transparent sound, musical events are very clearly separated. Could be great for studio monitoring. Bass is tight, no flab, no boom.

There really is very little that can compete with the Blues at its price. I think they are quite a bit better in almost every respect than comparable Soliloquys, Meadowlarks, Viennas, Thiels, Sonus Fabers, B&W's, Proacs, Dynaudios, you name it. Easily compares with speakers double the price.
Any recommendations on SS amps for the Audes Blues? Some of the posts above suggested that you need to be careful in choice of SS amplification. I'm considering the Musical Fidelity A3, would this mate well with the Blues?
