new Paradigm Reference?

I was told yesterday by a salesman that Paradigm is coming out with a new Reference line topping out at $8,000 in a couple months. I'm almost ready to buy a pair of Studio 100's but now am wondering if I should wait. Does anyone know this to be true? It seems like a big leap in targeted demographics for them.
I agree that the 100 doesn't need to get any bigger, but I'm curious to see how they will better the performance (for the money, I haven't been persuaded yet to consider much else). By the way, what is "AA" site you mentioned above?
here is some photos..

and here is the link for that post on AA..
Just a hunch but I think Paradigm is going to think "if it ain't broken, why fix it?" when moving on to the new generation, keeping most of the innards the same. However now they can jack the price up to where everyone says it should have been for the current generation and cash in on their unexpectedly super-high-quality sound. I love my 100v2s to death and won't be "upgrading" to the new ones. my $0.02. Good luck!
I've always been a fan of Paradigm, and think they make great stuff. I think they know it too; I just hope they don't get a big head and throw out an over priced speaker to give themselves that elite look. From what I've read/seen about the new line it doesn't look to me like they are making a more detailed speaker, one for music then HT, and it's that type of speaker that would make me sell my 100s for.