Full range box floorstanding recommend $3-5K range

after 3 years w/stats (ML, SL-3) I am ready for something a little fuller (more bass) and dynamic but yet detailed & great soundstage. i am looking to spend 3-5K new or used. i am looking for some ideas (meadowlark, coincident, joseph, talon, legacy, thiel, i'm sure there are some other great ideas out there, etc.) to start with. i am running a Pass X250 amp, pass x2 pre & Cary 303 CDP, all Cardas Golden Cross interconnects, Cardas Neutral Ref spr cables.
You might look into Green Mountain Audio. No website
yet, but soon.
From the small Europa's to the Continuum 3's, they are
time & phase correct and have marble mid & treble
enclosures for no diffraction... (They are isolated from
the woofer cabinet). They remind me of my past
Maggies, Sound Labs ( both superb) & other planars I have owned and range from about $900-$8k.
Vmps rm40 speakers might be worth checking out. I've never had the opportunity to listen to them but have read that they are excellent. You can check them out at www.vmpsaudio.com. If I had the money I'd try them out myself. Hope you find something you like!
I am a former planar bigot and I have friend that was more of a planar fanatic than I was, in fact he owned both the ML Monoliths as well as the Prodigy's. We have both discovered that what most planar lovers admire about the design is the design is the seamless, coherent, tall sounstage that most box speakers lack. We have both discovered and converted to Vienna Acoustics speakers, in my case the Beethovens and for my friend the Mahlers. For me the problem with many dynamic speakers is that I always feel like I am looking down or into a miniturized soundstage, if you have read any of the reviews of the VA stuff you will notice that many reviewers comment on the huge holographic sounstage these speakers project, IMO the tall wide and deep stage of these speakers in many ways matches or exceeds that of the best planars.
Every time I go to a live orchestra concert, I look DOWN at the stage from the main floor--even more so if I get a balcony seat (where some of the best sound can be had at one the venues I attend). If one sits at row Q or farther back on the main floor, the stage width fits between ones out-stretched arms with the hands about 2.5 feet apart.

Realistic proportions matter more than height and width by themselves. Taller is not necessarily more realistic.
As an Audio Consultant, I would have to lean toward the VMPS. With your backround and AMP, the VMPS would be a natural progression "upward".

At $4600 the RM40 is a tough speaker to match. I cant think of anything it doesn't do well in musical reproduction.

I am a dealer for many brands KEF, PMC, SLS, Wraith, Krell, etc., but I have these in "my" system.

