Someone help me Sound Too Thin ?????

Can anyone help me !!!
I have cd player - Cambridge A500se
amp - Audion Sterling ETSE (el34 penthod single ended in triode cercuit ,class a ,no negative feedback, 12 watts/channal, able to chage to
kt88 18watts/channal)
speakers - Triangle titus 202
interconnect - Mit terminator4
speaker cable - Audioquest crystal biwire(old model)
tube input - sovtek 6922
drive tube - GEor Svetlana 5687 or Amperex 7119
tube output - Svetlana el 34

I love the sound of this system except it is sound " so much too thin and light weight " for me.

At first, i thought my amp has too less watts but i already try with 45 watts rotel intergreted amp and the sound is even thinner.

I like" romantic sound, full body, laid back and warm
sound too thick and dark tone" is ok for me .
I listen to a lot of classic jazz and vocal jazz 80%
classical 20% , i want to have low frequency down to at least 50hz

What speakers is suite my system and my taste? (i can change amp if my amp cannot drive these speakers)

What amp is suite my system and my taste?

- If i change the speakers to PSB 4T,stratus bronze or JM Lab 715 or vandersteen 1c, 2b, is my system gonna have more body?

How is planar spekers sound? is it gonna suite my taste?

If i change the amp to NAD C-370, is it gonna work for me?

Thank u very much
titus is thin in all sences of being thin even on the shape:-).
i'm not familiar with titus in particular but tend to spare 75% to the speaker.
If you are using an type of Cone tweakes remove those as they can add detail but give a "thin sound". Try sorbothane or vibrapods under your CD player.

The NAD will not help you.
While I absolutely agree that the speakers are probably the main culprit, they are not the first thing I would try changing. The first thing I would try is changing the sovtek 6922 for either a NOS Tunsgram, Siemens-Halske, or Mullard. This would cost less and might change the sound enough to fix the problem. If not, you can always change the speakers later. There are lots of good small speakers out there, but I too would suggest one of the better British brands such as Harbeth, Spendor, or Wilson-Benesch.
I second the JMlab Chorus 705/706 suggestion. I own a pair and run them with an arcam integrated. It sounds really good. Extreme highs are a little harsh. I think tubes might get rid of that. I had to get the right cables to get that sound and run the speakers in but in the end the sound is worth it. Remember the JMlabs need a lot of break in.
These speakers gave me also the same impression. The Vandersteen 2 sig should prove the move is in the groove. Take a look at the measurements at most other box speakers and then the you can better predict where the fatigue is coming from. Life is too short not to enjoy.