Weird Bass Reponse on my Speakers.

I just got a Talon ROC 2002 subwoofer dedicated mainly for 2-channel system. I tried to setup crossover point by using Radioshack SPL meter to find out what frequency that my Sonus Faber Extremas started to dip. I got weird results using Stereophile Test CD 1 (1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB). Here they are(SF Extremas only no subwoofer).

Frequency----------------SPL Meter Reading
1KHz--------------------->70 dB(reference level)
200Hz-------------------->62 dB
160Hz-------------------->63 dB
125Hz-------------------->58 dB
100Hz-------------------->52 dB
80Hz--------------------->53 dB
63Hz--------------------->60 dB
50Hz--------------------->70 dB
40Hz--------------------->61 dB
31.5Hz------------------->55 dB
25Hz--------------------->52 dB
20Hz--------------------->below 50 (unmeasurable by RadioShack SPL meter)

From the readings above,SPL readings started to dip at 200Hz(62dB) until it reach 52dB, which has the lowest value, at 100Hz and climbing up to 70db(reference level) again at 50Hz. And then I got lower dB as the frequency went lower.

So, I set the crossover frequency of my sub at 40Hz. and the SPL reading for lower-bass after combining subwoofer are:
(Upper Frequency responses are still the same)
50Hz---------------------->70 dB
40Hz---------------------->70 dB
31.5Hz------------------->70 dB
25Hz---------------------->68 dB
20Hz---------------------->54 dB

Here are my question:
1. Is the dipping between 63-200Hz and going up at 50Hz considered normal?
2. Is there anything wrong my speakers? Could it be other tube gears or my room that make cause this problem? (My listening room has no left wall at all)
3. How's your opinion on Lower bass responses after combining the subwoofer?

I'm pretty happy with the result musically but I think mid-bass responses might still be the problems for me.
My equipments are:
PRE: BAT VK-5i (w/ Amperex 6DJ8 orange globe tubes)

Thanks for looking!
Clearly there's a dip around 100Hz (at least at the listening position). Although the Radio Shack SPL meter is not linear (we make a CD that corrects for it's non-linearities)--it's not THAT far off. Now the question is why do you have that dip? Chances are it is a null at your listening point. You can measure this by setting your CD player to repeat the 100Hz tone. Then walk around the room and plot the response of the 100Hz at different points. If you're listening point is in a null, the solution is pretty simple--you need to do some shifting of speakers and listening position (I say simple, but it really isn't that simple, because it will likely cause a null at another frequency). CARA software can help with this, they look for optimum positioning with the least nulls and peaks. You can also use the rules of 1/3 and 1/5 that tend (not always) minimize these problems as well. Lastly, our website offers some help on speaker placement at It's in the Acoustical Issues Section--go to the listening room and select speakers. There's a download there for a short paper on placement, but I have to admit it does not have a lot about peaks and nulls (we should probably update it some).
If your problem is not caused by a peak or null, then it could be the room construction. Some rooms flex in such a manor that they actually create their own notch filter. Fortunately, this is typically not too difficult to fix. First you need to find out which part is creating the notch. In my experience it's usually the ceiling or floor of an older type house. The older construction allows it to sag and flex and essentially soak up a particular frequency--kind of like a resonator. Basically what ever it is needs to be re-enforced and made rigid. This can be easy in some houses, but difficult in others.
Hopefully, the problem is just speaker and listening position.
I believe it is Rives that offers a test cd that is calibrated to compensate for the Radio Shack SPL meter. Hey, I don't know if I stated that correctly but hope you understand the intent.
Follow this link. It is a step by step program on how to correct the frequency response irregularities of your analogue RS SPL meter. I have done this to a few meters and it works MUCH better. Combine this with using a higher grade external electret mic and you've got a very good SPL meter for well under $75 total. Sean

RS SPL meter mods