Day amp arrives Cashier check returned

Today an amp I shipped across the country arrived safely at it's destination. Oddly enogh while I was at the bank today I was informed that a rather large cashier's check did not clear.

I called the guy up and he answered the phone (good sign) He say's he does not understand what could have happened and will check in to it first thing in the mourning.

My bank say's he may have stopped payment on the cashiers check. They could not give me any other details. Just that I would be recieving the check back in the mail in a few day's

Does this kind of stuff ever turn out good? Or am I screwed?

I will follow up tomorrow.
Hey Glen- Nice to have a happy ending; real scary that the bank could foul things up so much. I now bank at the largest New England regional bank and most of their folks are clueless. And the phones for the branches are unlisted, you have to call the answer center and they are worse than clueless. Luckily, I met the branch manager at a local branch (not nearly the nearest) through my accountant, and he can usually solve my problems pretty quickly, but it is amazing how many mistakes they've made over the past 5 years.
Glen, Defcon 5 is nice and mellow. Defcon 1, the mountain is locked and secured, and the mushrooms will soon be sprouting!
Hii Glen , In defense of the buyer, I had purchased a Casher's Check for a pair of Magnepan Speakers , I had the sellers name on the check and my name as the remitter . It seemed to be correct .A week later the seller and I had to meet so I had so sign the Check too! After that his bank deposited the check into his account.