Babyproofing Stand-mounted speakers

I love my monitor speakers (Revel M20s), but have an issue... they are so top-heavy on the stands that a one year old could pull them over. Problem is, I'll have a one year old in just a couple of more months. Wife says (and I can't say I disagree) that they will have to go back against the wall and be strapped there unless I can come up with a solution. You all know how good they will sound against the wall... yuck!

I thought I appeal to the collective wisdom of Audiogon and ask if anybody has experience in ways to prevent standmounted speakers from tipping over. I've thought about bolting them to the floor, but the hardwood floors wouldn't thank me.

It's simple enough to change a system to be child proof. Use midgrade or already cosmetically trashed electronics, a locking sealed cabinet with mesh airflow and floorstanding speakers with trashed or replaceable cosmetics (like vandersteens).

Kids and phono cartridges, exposed tubes or tippy speakers don't mix at all. Wait, didn't I own that stuff myself when I was a kid ? Hmmm...
Thanks for all of your responses. I am going to take a combination approach of filling the stands and moving them to a safer location when not in use.