Verity Fidelio, Alon Lotus Elite & Merlin VSM-M?

I've been procrastinating upgrading my old speakers (Vandersteen 2ci) and I've sort of narrowed it down to Fidelios, Elite and the VSM-M. I've heard the Alons and the Merlins at the last Home Entertainment show and was quite impressed. Unfortunately at that time I wasn't looking for new speakers because I had a pair of Virgo IIIs which ended up not working out in my living room (I can only bring the speakers out about 2ft. from the wall). I'm curious as to what others think about the speakers listed above. I've read all reviews I can find, but haven't found any dealers in my area. My listening tastes are classical (including early music), jazz and lots of acoustical guitar and piano.

Hi Yaboo

this "hi-fi" sound you mention, could you please expand on that and give up some details. Without details it sounds as though you are maybe disgruntled and unhappy, there is hope on the horizon. The VSM's are NOT lightweight in the bass with the BAM at all, I give you my word on that. Do you have the BAM? What amp and wire are you using, set-up etc. I'm sure Bobby P can help you with your system. Please feel free to e-mail me as well.
One thing that I forgot to mention is that the VSM M is no longer in production. DPE, wouldn't you be more interested in what the VSM MM and MX have to offer against the competition??
Bobby, what is the difference between the MM and the MX, apart from their appearance?
Hi Dennis,
The speakers differ in the quantity and quality of very sophisticated components in their dividing networks and BAM.
Both of these models offer a significant sonic upgrade over the Millennium. The MX offers perhaps an additional 10% improvment in sound over the MM but you will really want to have a superb system for them to be at their best. The MMs are a bit more forgiving. Please have a look at the MX page on the main page of for a description of the sonic enhancements.
Just revisited this thread,
I used teac P30transport/perpetual P3a/P1a/monolithicPSU+modwrights
ARC hybrid pre/krell power & transparent cables
I tried very hard to get the merlins to gel,all the fiddling made little or no difference

I stick by what I said, In my listening room they did not work,the alons do.

I will add a cavet,I sold Merlins too a guy using a Aero Capitole direct to a Jefff Roland 10TI + valhalla cables
his listening room was huge 16 century English Dining Room

now in his room I would have swore they were different speakers altogether,just goes to show how much room interaction affects the sound
in summary,the merlins are wonderful speakers undoubtedly
all the rave reviews speak volumes
I bought them without a demo,just based on the online review data .........That was my big mistake

IMHO in my room the Alons just do bass much much better

following sale of the Merlins

my system has now moved on,

best wishes to all