Any hi-end Aussie speakers or electronics?

Howdy...going down under for the first time in late May...wondering if there is any Aussie equipment worth looking into...hoping to audition the MJ Acoustics Sub(Brit) that has recently been introduced there...cheers...
Hey, one more important saftey tip...when you see this thing flying at you that has a wing span the size of a VW Bug, and looks very much like a Teradactyl, don't be alarmed. Its just a harmless fruit bat. Dam, I miss Oz; cool place to live.
DO NOT miss the Perigee by Graeme Keet.

Graeme Keet (Graz) will soon be known as the finest speaker builder extant IMO.

With his speakers in tow, Graz made an impromptu visit to reviewer Ken Kessler, whose own speakers, the Apogee Scintilla, is an audio center stage star few speaker builders dare follow. Ken Kessler was more than impressed with the Perigee. Initially giving Graeme four minutes, busy Kessler kept the Perigee crooning for four hours.

You will be ever so sorry if you miss this golden opportunity.