Can the BAT VK - 150SE's Drive B&W 803's?

I heard a lot people saying that the B&W 803's needs powerful amps to drive it.The VK-150SE's has 150 watts each,so I wanna make sure my amps match the B&W 803's.
I have a VK75SE driving Wilsons watt puppy 6's. drive the heck out of them. I know your B&w's are not as effecicent, but I 2nd the comment above.

However, I don't think the VK75SE is bright. It's pretty nuetral for a tube amp. Very solid bass, soaring highs, midrange liquid and wet. Cables, like power cords, do effect the sound. Also, if it's not one a 20 amp dedicated line (like any current hungry amp) it might be starved a little and contribute to brightness....
Well, it's sensitive. Right now, I have it on DH Jumbo cones and squares on a home made amp stand. I've had it on symposium rollerblocks, big improvement, but the rollerblocks make a bigger dif. on my bat phono stage.

I'll likely try a Symposium shelf next under the amp.
Thanks so much guys for return. I have the Symposium shelf Super Plus and the Roller blocks Series 2+ under my VK-150SE's and make a huge improvement on the amps sound.