Br3098... please, please, please speak from audio experience. i.e. actually using different USB cables on a quality DAC with a quality computer such as the MacMini.
Give it a try... actually build some real listening experience with this equipment and cabling... and then come back to us with your listening experience on your own system, with your own DAC, your own computer, and your own music... not your book learning and theory derived thereof.
I respect learning from the academy. I am a product of it and an active member of it myself. But it has its limits, and this is one.
If I sound annoyed, I am.
I am frankly so tired of "authorities" who have not taken the time to gain their own audio experience misleading newbies with the "truthiness" of their book learning and university degrees on chat forums such as this one and in other places.
You wrote:
>>all of my 30+ years experience in the physical sciences, data collection and computer systems design leads me to believe otherwise.<<
Listening experience matters. This is not an article of belief or faith as in your statement >>leads me to believe otherwise<<.
:) listening,
Give it a try... actually build some real listening experience with this equipment and cabling... and then come back to us with your listening experience on your own system, with your own DAC, your own computer, and your own music... not your book learning and theory derived thereof.
I respect learning from the academy. I am a product of it and an active member of it myself. But it has its limits, and this is one.
If I sound annoyed, I am.
I am frankly so tired of "authorities" who have not taken the time to gain their own audio experience misleading newbies with the "truthiness" of their book learning and university degrees on chat forums such as this one and in other places.
You wrote:
>>all of my 30+ years experience in the physical sciences, data collection and computer systems design leads me to believe otherwise.<<
Listening experience matters. This is not an article of belief or faith as in your statement >>leads me to believe otherwise<<.
:) listening,