I think this may depend on many, many factors.
1)Speaker cable quality
2)Jumper quality
3)Whether you're using an "internal biwire" (some wires inside of the same cable connected to highs, some wires connected to lows) or true biwire (separate runs of the same cable for highs and lows)
4)Routing of runs of cable in a true biwire setup (the fact that I've read that the physical separation of the high frequency carrying cables from the low frequency carrying cables is important, leads me to believe that an internal biwire is not the same as a true biwire (maybe even same as using jumpers)
I have no idea.
I could appreciate a sizeable difference in a pair of B&W Nautilus 805s when used with high quality speaker cable, between a single run and a biwire run.
My new speakers use a dual voice coil setup on the woofer, so it isn't discrete like the 805 (meaning the top terminal pair is connected solely to the tweeter, the bottom terminal pair is connected solely to the woofer).
Honestly, I haven't A-B'd single vs biwire on the new speakers.
I think 1 great pair of cables will sound better than 2 crappy ones, but, obviously, it's never this clear cut.
For any amount of $$, there are many, many different choices. I'd suggest that you pick a dollar amount, and look at your options both ways.
I find that biwiring (via the 805s at least) just sounds less "smeary" and more articulate.
good luck
1)Speaker cable quality
2)Jumper quality
3)Whether you're using an "internal biwire" (some wires inside of the same cable connected to highs, some wires connected to lows) or true biwire (separate runs of the same cable for highs and lows)
4)Routing of runs of cable in a true biwire setup (the fact that I've read that the physical separation of the high frequency carrying cables from the low frequency carrying cables is important, leads me to believe that an internal biwire is not the same as a true biwire (maybe even same as using jumpers)
I have no idea.
I could appreciate a sizeable difference in a pair of B&W Nautilus 805s when used with high quality speaker cable, between a single run and a biwire run.
My new speakers use a dual voice coil setup on the woofer, so it isn't discrete like the 805 (meaning the top terminal pair is connected solely to the tweeter, the bottom terminal pair is connected solely to the woofer).
Honestly, I haven't A-B'd single vs biwire on the new speakers.
I think 1 great pair of cables will sound better than 2 crappy ones, but, obviously, it's never this clear cut.
For any amount of $$, there are many, many different choices. I'd suggest that you pick a dollar amount, and look at your options both ways.
I find that biwiring (via the 805s at least) just sounds less "smeary" and more articulate.
good luck