What's the Best Speakers use with the CAT JL2/SL1?

System : Amps/Preamp: Convergent Audio Technologie JL2/SL1 ultimate, Turntable/Arm: Simon Yorke S7 with Graham 2.2, Cartridge: Benz Micro Ruby 2/Lyra Helikon, Phono cables: Graham IC-70/Cardas Golden reference, Interconnects/Speakers cables: Cardas Golden reference,
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole, Tuner: Sequerra FM Reference.
What is the best Speakers to use with this system equipment?
My room size: 18ft x 13ft x 8.5ft.

Razen -

Your equipment is superb, and your amplifiers can drive just about anything out there.

Rather than make a specific speaker suggestion based on your amplifier and room, I'd rather explore your priorities a bit. You see, tradeoffs are inevitable at pretty much any price point.

Here's a list of loudspeaker qualities. The list is arbitrary; I made it up. If you want to play along, pick out the qualities that matter most to you, and PLEASE feel free to add any requirements of your own.

1. Convincing timbre (the natural sound of voices and instruments).

2. Inner harmonic texture & nuance (you can easily hear all the tiniest details).

3. Clarity and articulation (you can readily understand the lyrics, easily pick out and follow a single voice or instrument, and clearly hear the different parts in a highly complex musical passage).

4. Coherence (musicians are "together" and "in the groove"; also no sense of listening to different drivers).

5. Dynamic contrast (liveliness and impact).

6. Superb imaging/soundstaging for a single listener.

7. Good soundstaging over a wide listening area.

8. Rich, lush sense of ambience and spaciousness.

9. Natural-sounding bass.

10. Extreme deep bass extension.

11. Unobtrusive size and visual appeal.

12. Sounds great at low volumes.

13. Sounds great at medium volumes.

14. Sounds great at high volumes.

15. Forgiving of less-than-ideal recordings and sources.

16. Ruthlessly accurate and revealing.

17. Freedom from colorations that remind you you're listening to boxes, not live music.

18. Works well in less-than-optimum location within your room.

19. Non-fatiguing over long listening sessions.

20. Gives a convincing front-of-the-hall presentation.

21. Gives a convincing middle-of-the-hall presentation.

Some of these qualities tend to be mutually exclusive, but don't worry about that. The idea is to focus in on what matters most to YOU, and also to find which areas you are willing to accept some compromise in, if you have to.

Enjoy your quest!

I agree with the other members, excellent system! I really would take a serious look at Vandersteen Model 5 speakers. I have a pair and have found them to be the best speakers I have heard under 20K.(they sale for around 11K new with standard finish and crossovers)Good luck.
Quintessense Audio in San Diego makes a speaker called the "Summit". Being a CAT owner and a friend of Ken Stevens, who has shown his amps with Quintessense before... well, I think that would be your best speaker choice.
Vandersteen 5 speakers or JM Lab Mezzo Utopias. Both of these speakers are incredible