Cdma: Due to the wide horizontal ( but limited vertical ) dispersion of the mirror imaged design that the Dunlavy's use, you'll probably need to pay close attention to the primary points of reflection on the side walls AND toe the speakers in. This type of design typically works best with no toe-in, but your installation somewhat forces you to do so.
As a side note, you might be running into impedance related problems with the ARC preamp and the Aleph amp. This is discussed in another current thread and the Aleph's are specifically mentioned in terms of having problems with tube and / or passive based preamps ( for lack of a more universal term ). This is something that you might want to check into also as it could be affecting what you are hearing / the synergy between components.
Other than that, my thoughts are that your source is now the weak spot within your system in terms of electronics. I know that you probably just dumped a ton of cash on this stuff, but i can see some further expenditures coming up in the near future for you : ) Sean
As a side note, you might be running into impedance related problems with the ARC preamp and the Aleph amp. This is discussed in another current thread and the Aleph's are specifically mentioned in terms of having problems with tube and / or passive based preamps ( for lack of a more universal term ). This is something that you might want to check into also as it could be affecting what you are hearing / the synergy between components.
Other than that, my thoughts are that your source is now the weak spot within your system in terms of electronics. I know that you probably just dumped a ton of cash on this stuff, but i can see some further expenditures coming up in the near future for you : ) Sean