Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
For my two cents I have always been partial to electrostatics since I heard a pair of dayton wrights when I was 10 years old. I won't try to characterize the sound since I would likely do it an injustice but you know what you like (or as some have said I like what I know). I would second paullindeman with regards to the p10's (or p8ltd which I have). Truly remarkable speakers. Worth a listen at least. With careful respect to all the others.

Wmcmanus, I will try to find some more English info about the Imagine speaker system.
Not that I'm looking for a replacement, but the reason I asked the question was because size is an issue when you choose to live in major downtown city like DC. Big apartments cost a lot of money, and a house is out of the question...

honestly, the Logan Aerius i have really been awesome sounding speakers. I had a chance to hear another "box" speaker that retails for around $6K matched with a great amp (one of the recommended combos for this speakers), and I liked the Aerius a lot more.
The only speaker I know of that comes close to a
Electrosat , is a pair of Eggleston Rosa's . They
have one of the best tweeters ever made , the four
6" drivers are ran almost full range. I have had apogee
and Magnepan speakers that operate in the same basic way.
However to me the Magnepans sound the best in this class.
The speakers I had were apogee stages, Magnepan 1.6R , I
believe Electrostats sound good for only a short period
of time , after that they start to cut up your ears...
After years of speakers the only one I can live with
are the Eggleston Rosa's , the only dynamic speakers I know of that have the same super transparency of the mention
speakers , and with more clean powerfull bass and peak output. They also are more room friendly and are best looking speakers I ever owned..