Time coherence is difficult to achieve because the acoustical center for a moving coil driver is not a fixed physical point, but actually varies somewhat with frequency. Source - The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, sixth edition, page 113.
Phase coherence in a multi-driver system requires first order acoustical slopes for both the low-pass and high-pass driver. The acoustical slope is the sum of the inherent driver response and the crossover response. Note that time and/or phase coherence can only occur in a single plane with a multi-driver system.
Human hearing characteristics aren't linear, but are full of thresholds and masking effects. For example, after .68 milliseconds the directional cues from a repetition of the original signal (an echo) are suppressed, and this suppression (masking effect) lasts for about 40 milliseconds. Now, if we knew precisely the thresholds that apply to time and phase coherence, we could take them into account in loudspeaker design. Alas, the published research is inconsistent on the audibility thresholds of phase and timing errors.