Opinions on Dynaudio Confidence C4

I have the C4's for 6 months now.
My system: Krell KPS 25sc, Bryston 7BST monoblocks, Transparent Reference cables.
I used to own WATT Puppy 5.1's and before that Sonus Faber Extremas and B&W 801 III's.
I am delighted with the C4's.
Very dynamic, almost full-range (down to 25Hz in my room), extended top, fantastic soudstage.
In my room I have a midbass hump +6dB around 80Hz (used to have it with the Wilsons and B&W's as well.
I would like to hear other opinions regarding the C4, and how they match with other amps and speaker cables (any Nordost users with the C4's?)

The C4's have a very nice midrange, lots of clarity. IMO the top and bottom end are a little rolled off but still able to provide good bass extension that you can feel. It does not have the speed or dynamics of the Watt/Puppy 7's. If I had to characterize the sound of the C4 I would call it tubey.

I would try a tube preamp and add cables and ic's that can enhance the systems speed.

I used to have a C-J tube preamp in my system.
More "air" around instruments with the C-J (Johnny Hodges' alto sax will make you cry) and a wider soundstage, but I do prefer the Krells, much quieter backgrounds, more clarity and better extension at both ends.
Before replacing my Wilson 5.1's I listened extensively to Watt/Puppy 6 and later 7's. I finaly opted for the C4 (I couldn't afford the Evidence or Temptation) as I found the Dynaudios less agressive and maybe a bit more musical than the Wilsons.
I am definitely in the market for different (faster) cables.



I used Acoustic Zens with success on my 1.3SEs, and wouldn't hesitate to use them with C4s (i almost bought C2s, but presented some room issues)