Speaker match for 75 watt Tenor amps

I'm getting very close to purchasing a pair of
Tenor amps and would like some opinions on speaker
choices. Top contenders so far; Verity Parsifal
encores and Coincidents. I'm pretty sold on the
Verity ,but interested in other peoples opinions.
Hopefully,next week I'm going to here the Tenors
with Coincident Total Eclipse. Than a couple days later
I get to try some Veritys. I'll report back.
This is the most stupid thread I've seen on this forum.

The most important component is the speakers.

Unless the Tenor amps are perfect, you should select a speaker which best fits your listening room and musicial
taste, and then pick an amp which can drive them properly.

I had a pair of JF's OTL amps, which he handmade for $1K
on Quads, and I can't believe anyone would think these copy cat amps from Canada are worth $20K.

Saxman, find speakers you like and ask the manufacturer
what's the best amp to drive them.

Don't get hung up on fancy wood bases with parts that are worth 10% of the asking price.

Great speakers will sound good with a cheap amp, but a
great amp can never make up for a poorly designed speaker.

Kana813- With all due respect I don't believe any of the speakers mentioned in this threat are "poorly designed", they all do somethings better, and I have never heard a speaker do EVERYTHING right so there are comprimises to make- that's life. But these amps are in fact that good and worth building a system around, FWIW I highly doubt anyone could buy the materials to make a tenor 75Wp let alone a 75Wi for $1000. Other then that I enjoyed reading your insightful response to this thread. BTW I don't own these amps and I am not defending my honor for purchasing 'over priced' OTL's I am merely defending what I have heard to be one of the best if not THE best amp. Cheers! Tim