REVEL Sub-15 / LE-1 or AERIAL SW-12's.........

REGARDLESS OF PRICE, if given the opportunity to have
a pair of Sub-15s with one LE-1 OR a pair of Aerial SW-12s, which would you go with?

I am trying to determine which is better in a 60/40 theater/music system?

With this level of sub, I don't think fronts make a difference, since they would be blend with many speakers.


Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
I have the Revel Sub-15s and they are truly amazing, so much like real concert bass. (And I have been to The Who, Chris Isaak, Eagles, Bonnie Raitt, CSNY, and Eric Clapton this year.)
Look folks they are all great. Listen to them and then make a choice. It really comes down to a matter of taste.