B&W VS Dynaudio .........

I've grown bored with the sound of my B&W n803's and was considering replacing them with with Dynaudio contour 3.3's. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the 3.3's would mate well with my other components.

Marantz SA14
KAV 250a (I intend to replace this with 250mc's and run cast)
Transparent Reference interconnects & Synergistic Research resolution Reference speaker cables.

I am open to suggestions regarding equipment if someone cares to enlighten me.

Thanks in advance,

Pat, I think what really bugs me is the sound it's self seems accurate. However, I've yet to hear a demo where, regardless of position, acoustic treatments or associated equipment, heard a pair that imaged well. It is these subtle inner details in which I find myself longing for.

Happy Listening,


Over the years I've considered buying 801 or 802's but found the sound a bit "polite". B&W have one of the best midranges on any speaker I've heard, but the high-end is too rolled off for my liking. Every time I consider purchasing a pair I can't help but feel within a year or two I'd grow bored with them. It's almost like they intentionally conceal the detail in favour of a smooth, non-fatiguing mid-range. 90% of the music IS focused in the mid-range so B&W design trade-offs make sense, but I just find them uninvolving. No toe tapping going on. It's worth noting my biases too; I've not heard a traditional box speaker that sounds as musically satisfying as a planar speaker. I would suggest you give electrostatics and ribbons a listen, they may be just what your ears are longing for. Best, Jeff
I looked at you system and a great one it is.I have been a B&W fan for some time,but I also liked my Martin Logans for different reasons. Both a very good with different strenghts. I would bet that what you are missing comes from the cd player. I use to use the sony and thought it was good,until I tried the Theta Miles (bal). My wife dances to my system!!!!!!!

I recently upgraded my CD source(Electrocompaniet) and preamp(Pass Labs X1). My Nautilus speakers sound profoundly more involving and interesting. I keep sneaking in for another listen late at night. This is not just a new sound, it is sweet and compelling music - system almost disappears.

I am quite certain that a change in speakers would NOT have produced what I am currently hearing from my system.

BTW, on the question of speaker upgrade, I have come to the same conclusion that Psjulian has ... Revel.
Damon, I have been told by a very trusted dealer friend that Verity Parsifals(I hope I spelled it correctly) are great sounding speakers. As for Jeff, the Wisdom's are planar speakers but they require doubling the amps and that could be expensive. I like the sound of the Marten Logan Odysey. Any suggestions on planars would be welcome. Back to B&W I like the detail I'm hearing and I'm trying to understand, this is why I will go to as many dealers or other music lovers homes to learn more. I will be going to any Michigan audio clubs within reason to make friends in this hobby and learn as well as share my experiance. With sites like this and good folks like Jeff and yourself this hobby can be fun!! Peace and good listening, Pat.