"The Beatles" Apple Lossless on iTunes?

Has anyone downloaded "The Beatles" on iTunes? What file format is it? 256AAC, Apple Lossless (ALAC)? Some blogs say the download is ALAC, but Apple doesn't specify. Thanks!
Why pay for a lower rez download version when you could buy the CD's for the same price or less and rip them yourself?

Traudio, It makes sense, since download might be gone after hardware/software disaster but unused hard copy will stay forever.
I understand the benefit of having the CDs. That's what I use, stereo and mono versions. I'm just curious if the iTunes downloads are ALAC, but don't want to purchase to find out. I assume they are 256AAC, but some blogs have stated "Apple Lossless".
This is exactly what sucks about all this new downloading of music. The people selling you this stuff won't even tell you what you are getting. Why bother, nobody cares. It is unimportant to the average MP3 user. You can't even ask "the store" a question about it . No, just send them your money along with the other 1000 persons a second who are making them rich VIA unpersonal internet sales. We are allowing the world to "Dumb Down" everything that matters, and here is one more example. McDonalds will soon offer sushi and we listen to music on our telephone!