MERLIN OWNERS: Need Suggestions on Amps/Preamps

Looking for what combinations anyone has found that works well with Merlin in 2 channel as well as Home Theater. Would prefer to get a higher end Preamp Processor that will cover both 2 channel and HT. Also what amp(s) would you pair up with your choice of a preamp/processor to drive the Merlin VSM-M's the best? Appreciate all feedback.
Do you have the model that was designed to work with Solid state or the model designed to work with tube amps? I know he offers both.
Exhibited with Sim Audio amps/pres at the HiFi 2002 show and was very welll received. Sim also makes some 5ch gear and HT processor. Worth an audition.
I use the Joule-Electra LA-100 mk. 3 preamp and Joule-Electra Stargate monoblocks with Merlin VSM-SE bBAM and the combination is absolutely fabulous!

Merlin always seem to exhibit with Joule-Electra (typically, they use the their very expensive VZN-100 monoblocks, but the Stargates apparently are very close in sound to their monoblocks and it's 30 wpc SET is plenty to provide superbly extended and taut bass and much more than adequete sound levels).

I suggest you talk with Bobby Palkovic at Merlin Music. He knows his speakers very well!
Merlin and Joule Electra are probably the best combination assuming your VSM-M were designed for tubes. The Merlins ("tube" model) seem to optimized for OTLs, so I would focus, primarly, on that design for the power amp. The Joule OTL's are one of the best amps made, but are very expensive. Transcendent and Berning make very good OTLs that don't cost as much as the Joules and both are a great "match" with the VSM-M. I use the Joule Electra LA100 MkIII preamp and the Berning ZH270 OTL power amp -- it is a stunning combination!
But, the very best advise is to talk with Merlin's Bobby Palkovic; he knows his speakers and can guide you in your choice depending upon your budget.