Stands make a huge difference with ProAc

I just purchased a pair of second hand Response 2, I'm very happy with the vocals etc, but a speaker of this size should produce more BASS. I'm using some decent quality wood stands for now. Would some heavy duty Target R2 stands make a huge difference. I'm also using SS with a passive pre, I may have to invest in a tube amp. They just don't sound like they did at the dealer some time ago. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too. I don't want to give up on them yet though because I've read some very good reviews.
There is not a monitor out there, where stands are not a major player. Target? Osiris? Not my cup of tea. I use the Sistrum Mini Monitor Platform System. You can read my review. Remeber: your stands are a fundemental extension of your speaker. The Sistrum system (I don't know of a better one) is based on coupling your speakers to Mother Earth. They do it better than anyone. Check out their website for more info. Robert be da man over there. peace, warren
My Response 2s showed up before the stands did and I thought I'd blown it entirely. They sounded thin and the mid-bass that they should have had wasn't there. I was seriously doubting my purchase until the stands showed up. The stands I used were the Target RS2s and made the difference. I gather the RS2s were designed in conjunction with the Response 2s, so it really takes both to make the whole. Mine came with the S'phile review of the Response 2s... To quote Corey Greenberg:


Unfortunately, there is *one* teensy-weensy detail: the ProAcs absolutely, positively MUST be used with Target's custom-designed RS2 stands.
"Whew! Is *that* all?! We thought you were going to tell us about some fatal flaw in the--"
The RS2 stands cost 700 clams.
Sorry, but its true. The ProAcs are astonishing *only* when sitting on these muy espensivo sand- or lead-fillable heavy metal Target RS2 stands; used with even the excellent $350 Sound Anchors model I also tried, the Response Twos lose most of their incredible imaging precision and startling-for-the-size bass.
I completely agree with the above statement by Edesilva.
When I recieved my responce 2s I was very anxious to hear them. I did not have the stands so, I placed them on top of the packing cartions. The sound was terrible. I called my dealer and while laughing at me told me to wait for the stands. When I recieved the stands, I laughed too. These speakers are a sonic wonder. in addition to the RS2 stands,
they must be downloaded with sterile sand or lead buckshot.
This too provides a significant improvement. If you feel that you are not getting these stands, sell your Proacs & buy the Legend Audio, but do not forget their respective stands.
I don't know anything about Target stands. I cringe when I hear the word sand filled stands. A big no no when you're (like I am) into resonance transferrence. I'd bet anything that those Proacs (as good as they sound on the Targets) would sound even better on my stands. If they don't sound good on the Sistrums, it's inherent in the speaker. Not the stand. peace, warren
Warren, I cringe when I read posts from people who claim that they have found the holy grail and that the way they are doing it is the only way.

While your stands are designed around a valid concept, just because it works with your speakers on your floor in your room with your other components does not mean that it will give the same results in all situations.

Do you really believe that the only speakers that are properly designed are those that sound best when sitting on a Sistrum stand?