Stands make a huge difference with ProAc

I just purchased a pair of second hand Response 2, I'm very happy with the vocals etc, but a speaker of this size should produce more BASS. I'm using some decent quality wood stands for now. Would some heavy duty Target R2 stands make a huge difference. I'm also using SS with a passive pre, I may have to invest in a tube amp. They just don't sound like they did at the dealer some time ago. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too. I don't want to give up on them yet though because I've read some very good reviews.
I don't know anything about Target stands. I cringe when I hear the word sand filled stands. A big no no when you're (like I am) into resonance transferrence. I'd bet anything that those Proacs (as good as they sound on the Targets) would sound even better on my stands. If they don't sound good on the Sistrums, it's inherent in the speaker. Not the stand. peace, warren
Warren, I cringe when I read posts from people who claim that they have found the holy grail and that the way they are doing it is the only way.

While your stands are designed around a valid concept, just because it works with your speakers on your floor in your room with your other components does not mean that it will give the same results in all situations.

Do you really believe that the only speakers that are properly designed are those that sound best when sitting on a Sistrum stand?
Audiopoints/Starsound Technologies has a money back guarentee. 30 days to see if I'm crazy or dead on. After the 30 days you can post your thank you. True, my stands are twice the price, so they may be a bit steep for some. They are well worth it, though. I'm sure the Targets are good. My stands are amazing...peace, warren

P.S. Any stand with sand in it: how does it channel those deleterious resonances to the floor? What's the avenue of escape from the speaker? There is none. Not a good thing.
Sand is a storage medium. The sand within the stand has a finite storage capacity. So, where does the overflow of collected resonance go, into the floor back in to the speaker? Does the sand impede and slow the transfer of unwanted resonance away from the speaker? If the sand impedes the exit and has finite capacity does the overflow of stored resonance meld and then color the actual sound of the speaker itself? Tom
HUH ? I would think that the resonance energy would get trapped by the sand particles & disperce unless its sand from Coney Island. Look, all I know is that when I moved I removed the sand from tha stands & got rid of it.
I thought that these stands weighed enough & I don't need to make them any heaver. As soon as I set up my system & played a CD, I shut it off, went to Toys R us and bought some sterile sand.