Renting out your audio room

Over the years Ive collected a quite a few pair of speakers, amps, not big on cables, a preamp or two and also some cd players.

Has anyone thought or tried to rent out some building space and set up about 3 or 4 listening rooms or even some ht stuff? for a person to come listen to music, watch a dvd or even sat radio? use some really nice equipment without having to pay $$$ for a hi end setup or for musical enjoyment. I know I would spend money doing something like this.

If you could properly manage and promote this personally you could keep and try limitless setups in your house for evaluation.

but space, rent, insurance, staffing, and remodel and interiorand equipment cost .

but what could you get away with renting for an hour. could do on contract basis and get guaranteed income?

Just something thats been rolling around in the head? (could be small rocks too )

Kelton this would make you the World's First HI-FI Pimp. I love your hourly rates suggestion! Nothing like a quicky listening session, much less fatiguing. Would you really wan't strangers fondling your equipment? Oops, I meant your Gear, not your Equipment. You know this could snowball..... Next you'll want to rent out your girlfriend/wife to poor slobs that can't get a date?

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Yes I did, quite a while ago. I envisioned the highest of the high-end for hire. I don't think it would be economically viable though for all sorts of reasons, chief among them being that it would require a change in people's attitude. Most people don’t think that reproduced music is worth the detour. What I find strange though is that no B & B or resort operator seems to offer a real high-end sound room as a way of attracting business. I would rather sit down and listen to great recordings than to huff and puff on a treadmill...