Best speaker 3k to 4k used?

What do you think is the best speaker in the 3k to 4k range(used)? I am using solid state electronics(Gryphon S100 & Tabu preamp). Room size is 14' x 20'.
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I too would recommend the Aerial 10T, which I believe continues to be one of the best buys available and pretty easy to find in the upper end of your price range in excellent condition. Unless you have a very large room you do not need a high powered amp to enjoy these speakers, but the minimum recommendation is generally 100 watts per channel. I used a single BEL 1001 MK3A, which is 50 watts per channel for a year or more and was very satisfied considering I traded up from a Classe CA300. Today I use two of the BELs bridged mono (200 watts)in a 13X22 room and that is all the power they need in a room of that size.
Thanks for the suggestions so far. I need a versital speaker because I listen to a variety of music. I like female vocals, accoustic, jazz, light classical,and some rock.