Revel salon Bass

when I have listened to the salon at the local shops the bass response has not been as good as the rave reviews have suggested. amp was levenson 333.

what have others found on synthesizer or pipe organ bass.
How does the Salon's extreme bottom end compare with that of the Wilson 7 ????

I use the Salons and a pair of ML436s. There is plenty of bass for me. I used to use the 336 and it was not as good.
The bass has no boom, the speakers play what is recorded. Many speakers may accentuate the bass reponse.
When you demo the salons I would ask the dealer what cable he is using. Also how long have both the cable and speakers been broken in. This is the same question for the other equipment. I have the studios and the bass response is great. I have listen to lots of speakers and these are defintely at the higher end of what you would expect. I demoed some ML 436s amps with the studios and the whole thing sounded dead. Since I already had the studios and was using Proceed HPA2s to drive them at the time I knew there was a problem. The studios sounded great in my home and with the better amps should have been at least as good if not better. Apparantly this dealer had just hooked up the speakers and also had new cable. The sound was muddy. It blew my mind that anyone trying to sell this level of gear would actually let anyone listen to it before it was broken in. I ended up listening to the same setup somewhere else properly broken in and sounded great. Consider this before making conclusions on equipment. As best as you can do try to make all things equal.
I think one of the biggest problems with many dealer showrooms is the acoustics (yes--there goes Rives again on acoustics). Everything from poorly sized rooms with bass mode build up to rooms that have false ceilings leading into cavernous areas that cover the entire store, which lead to a huge loss of bass. Unfortunately, it can be very hard to find a commercial building that offers a good acoustic environment. There are of course those dealers that do take acoustics seriously, and in my view should be applauded. All of their equipment will sound better and you will be able to judge the differences in equipment in these venues much better.