Sweet Spot for Triangle Speakers

Has anyone had any experience with the new Triangle Zerius Speakers? I have a pair hooked up to an Outlaw Receiver and the "Sweet Spot" is very small. With my old system I could sit almost anywhere in the room and the illusion was intact. With the Zerius if your not in the middle/spot you hear the speakers. In the reviews the Triangle speakers have been often compared to electrostatic speakers...and one thing I have always heard about electrostatic speakers is the problems with their placement. Is there a way to place the speakers such that it minimizes this effect or will this get better as the speakers continue to break in? Thanks for your time and input.
Patriot, your room dimension is a nightmare - a perfect square is the LAST thing one wants to deal with in setting up speakers. DO check out the Cardas website, and also search the Stereophile site for the Room Tunes articles from a few years ago - I forget who wrote them, but they are there and very good. You more than likely have standing waves all over the place, reinforcing a host of lower pitches, so I would imagine that you will need as another poster pointed out some DIY absorbtion devices. These will be the most imp upgrade you can make barring none, esp given the dimensions of your room.
Mules thank you for your input and Goyescas and Sendtaylor99 thanks again. I appreciate the help and feedback. Have a great weekend.
The sweet spot with my Zerius speakers got wider and wider as they broke in.
Also, my experiments with toe-in surprised me: the image snapped into better focus and the sweet spot got wider when I toed them in way more than seemed logical. Right now, they aim at a point that's about 2 meters in front of the listening spot. It works great.
Who knows, this might be specific to my room, but the lesson is don't be afraid to experiment with placements simply because they don't make sense to you.