B&W N805 vs Revel M20

Hi, I currently have a set of B&W CDM1 NT (with their matching FS-CDM stands) in a relatively small room. Would like to upgrade to either the N805 or the Revel M20 (both with stands). Which one do you recommend? One advantage that I see for the N805 is that they can be biwired/biamped. The M20 have only one set of terminals.

I am driving the speakers with an Arcam A32 100Wpc integrated amp. Thanks.
Hey Gustavog,

I've owned the M-20s and they need power. I had them hooked up to a Krell KAV-500 with the very same 100 WPC and up to about medium sound levels they were only good. After that, at higher volume levels, the soundstage would collapse. The Krell could not handle the demands the M-20s put on it. Remember the M-20s are a 6-ohm load and are only 85 to 86 dbs of sensitivity. So they are relatively hard to drive. On the other hand, the '805s are an easier speaker to drive but I prfer the M-20s. Hope this helps. Happy hunting......John
I preferred the N805 over the Revels. Just an opinion. I have a Rogue 99 pre which neither leaves my system overly bright or forward. I have plush carpet with substantial furniture. Trust your ears. Your room is very impt.
Hey Gustavog,

I've since sold my M-20s and bought the Dynaudio 1.3MkIIs. But before I let them go I was using the Plinius SA-250MkIV to drive them. This amp can drive a truck if hooked up right.....John
Jrwr7, and the natural question, why the Dynaudio 1.3MkIIs? Should I add another variable to my already complicated life?