Just an Idea, For $850 (or less) you can get into some used Paradigm Studio Reference series (20,40,60,80, possibly the 100's ver1). These speakers in my mind will sound much better than any described. I have owned the Mini-monitors, Phantoms, heard the full monitor series and I would just get into their "flasgship" line as it offered much better transparency and soundstaging. Not saying the other models dont, there are much improvments over the rest of the series.
Unless your going to buy a set of speakers new. I would find someone in your area that have a set of used speakers that have already been "broken in" and save any shipping costs.
If you have any questions please let me know.
BTW, I let me father try my 2nd set of speakers (Studio 80's Ver1) and hooked them up to a older pioneer receiver.
His jaw hit the floor. They made the music so transparent. His existing speakers (junk Technics) sounding so muffled compared.
Now I cant get him out of the living room.