which headphones???

Here's the scoop:

I currently own a pair of Grado SR125's. Although they sound good, I have some issues with them.

First, comfort. Wearing them for extended periods kill my ears - my ears actually get sore.

Second - although the bass response is good (ie. tight and articulate), it just does not cut it when it comes to reproducing the lowest notes that might be heard in electronic music or hip hop etc. (yeah yeah!! I know that i've probably generated a few snickers from you readers, but my music tastes cover a VERY wide range - from Beethoven to Black Sabbath over to Public Enemy then back to Loreena McKennitt)

Soooo, I need a headphone that will do it all - and be able to reproduce those low notes of Paul Oakenfold's trance and the Boom Boom Boom of the Lost Boys.

I've so far read about Beyerdynamic (various models) and AKG K270's.

Because it's kinda difficult for me to find these cans anywhere, I will probably have to order them.


Grado has a new design for their pads on the ear cups. I recently replaced the original ones with the new style...MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE!
My favorites are Senheiser HD-600 and Grado RS-1. Also I use a Tubed HH Scott 299 to drive them . An Earmax is also nice!
I've had Sennheisers, Grados, Etymotics and the best from Sony. In my opinion, nothing is better than the Etyomtics for islolation, comfort, travel and most important sound. Because these are ear buds, most don't consider them because of how they wear and look. It's the only headphone that I've been able to wear for hours and not even realize that you have them on. Do yourself a favor and do a little research and audition them if you can. Bass is simply incredible and the overall sound is as good as anything i've hear regardless of price. Check out reviews in audioreview and headphone.com. BTW, for portable use, you'll need an external amp or consider the 4P.