Why does foobar stop & display

I just purchased a Wyred 4 Sound DAC II, and play FLAC files off a PC with Vista OS via WASAPI and foobar (using USB). Most every time I play a playlist, after 3 or 4 tracks, foobar will stop and display a "too much buffer" error. I can close the error message and continue, but changing the buffer settings on foobar doesn't fix the problem. Does anyone know what can be done?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsteelman
Do you have the W4S driver installed and selected in foobar?
I'm using foobar & W4S DAC 2 combo, from Windows 7 OS and via kernel streaming though, without any issues whatsoever...
Yes, Thanks for your response. I've done that. Lately it doesn't happen all the time, so it's not a huge problem. I have to admit that I don't know much about "kernel" sttreaming, though I've heard about it. Is it only done with OS 7, as opposed to Vista?
No, kernel streaming in not Windows 7 specific. You may find more support on foobar forum or asking Wyred 4 Sound directly, over the phone or via email. They are great guys and will help you, no doubt about it.