How do you properly break-in a pair of speakers?

I just purchased a pair of speakers. I know a new pair needs time to run-in (usually 200 hours, or more). My question is, is there a particular way to do this? At what volume? and so on.

Thanks in advance for your expertise, guys.
Burra hit it right on the head. Just play a disc or run the tuner. When I was breaking in mine, I just let it play whether I was home or not. Not at high volumes. I only listen at moderate volumes anyway. The more you listen during the break in period, the more you will realize how much the sound is actually changing during the whole. Most manufacturers recommend to just play them normally.
Ryan's got it right. Even better is to boost the bass if you have tone controls (huh?). You'll soften those surrounds and spiders quicker....
While you are away from home run your tuner and tune for interstation hiss. This hiss contains all frequencies and will break in your loudspeakers lickity split. Of course, enjoy listening to music when you are at home.
Run the speakers like you were breaking in a car motor. That is, drive them the way you would normally with jsut a bit more respect i.e. no instantaneous throttle stomping ( cranking the volume ). This allows the capacitors to form. Once you've got a little bit of time on them ( a few days ), feel free to use the gain control quite a bit more liberally. There is no need to crank the tar out of the system or push things beyond the point that you would normally use them. Some of those methods will speed up the process, but it will still take time and use for the suspension to loosen up. There will be gradual changes as you use them but it will be quite gradual day by day. When the drivers have loosened up, it will be like the bass just "let loose". In my experience, it can be a drastic change that just seems to happen all at once. Either way, enjoy what you have and listen to some tunes : ) Sean
I am with Decay. Break-in of the speakers should be at moderate volumes first without strong physical over-stress of the voice coil. Play the music that you will enjoy despite any lack in quality of reproduction. After manufacturer's suggested break-in time you can excersise higher volumes if desired