Actually, and truthfully, if you are doing the CORNER PLACMENT THING, you're dealing with alot of issues, not just TV INTERFERENCE! The interference with the TV will be a problem if your speakers are casting REFLECTION POINTS back to your ears from the speakers themselves! So, if the speakers are, say, out infront of your TV, and the sound reflects off your speakers, back to the tv, then back to your ears, then you're getting immage smearing and blurring!
If you're speakers are behind the edges of the TV, then you're getting more of the CUPPED-HANDS effect sonically! Also, you're getting VERY IMMEDIATE reflections off your side walls next to your speakers, that are mixing with the dirrect sound, which causes the same kinds of anomolies...not good. IN addition, the big tv DOES affect teh bass response samwhat in different frequency reigions, depending. (one way to figure this, if you cared, is to measure the bass response with and without the TV pressent!). Also, yes more, you'll not be getting the same frequency response from speaker to speaker in this set up, and you'll have different sound from each speaker accordingly!
Personally, I've never heard a corner placement set up work well, ever!!! I am more of an advocate of SYMETRICAL arrangements, as they tend to yeild a better foundation with which to work with..but you gotta do what you gotta do.
At any rate, the TV has an affect depending on a lot of variables in your set up.
If you MUST KNOW THE TRUTH, then I'd say you have at least 100% or more better sounic potential at your disposal with ANOTHER SET UP SCHEME!!! Placement of both speakers, seats, and acoustic treatment considerations, acounts for at least, AT LEAST, 60% of your over all sound! That's no understatment. And ANY GOOD PRO AUDIO REVIEWER worth his/her salt will tell you about the same!
good luck