Thiel 3.6 and 'grounding' / insulating

I have a lovely old house with hardwood floors. I just bought a pair of Thiel 3.6. I plan to use the stabilizing pins / spikes provided with the speakers (probably put the spikes on quarters or something). My question: would it be worth my while buying a pair of thick (2 inches or so) granite slabs to put under the speakers with the spikes? Has anyone tried this and if so, what were the results? Thanks.
Thank you. That makes two votes for the 'farther apart' side. I will definitely play around with that (as far as possible in my listening room).

OK, I can see why you didn't suspect the amp...
I did own an older Classe once (a Seventy, not the same generation or as high-power as yours) that never sounded properly balanced until I put a Synergistic AC cord on it, but that really transformed it, made it much more smooth and open. If you can, do you use an upgraded AC cord?